Accessing source code in an LMS without SUBSYS interface

If your LMS does not provide a SUBSYS interface, you need to perform tasks #2, #3, #4, and #5, from Summary of steps for customizing Z Data Tools to use LMS libraries, as described here.

  • Set the LMSUBSYS option to a blank (the HCL-supplied default in HFM0POPT.)
  • Set the LMS option to USERLMS.
  • Ensure Language Environment® is available to Z Data Tools, if you have not already done so.
    You can do this by one of the following methods:
    • Add the Language Environment® runtime library, SCEERUN, to your concatenated LINKLIST.
    • Place SCEERUN in the STEPLIB DD statement of the logon proc.
    • Your users can use the TSO command, TSOLIB, to add SCEERUN to the search list.
  • Code and link your own user exit, a load module named HFMCRAEX, into the Z Data Tools load library. If you have installed Z Data Tools in the default libraries this will be HFM.SHFMSAM1. You can access source code in multiple LMSs through a single HFMCRAEX exit.

If you are using an LMS without a SUBSYS interface, you cannot run Z Data Tools APF-authorized.

Sample user code for HFMCRAEX, written in COBOL, is distributed in the Z Data Tools sample library, HFM.SHFMSAM1. The following sections discuss the functions and requirements for HFMCRAEX. The library management system exit discusses the sample exit itself.