What can you do with a template?

Using a template, you can:

  • Format records

    You can display, print and compare fields taking into account their data types. For example, binary numeric fields are displayed as their true numeric values, not as the character representation of their binary value.

    When editing, you can overtype or use CHANGE commands to replace these formatted numeric field values with different numeric values; Z Data Tools adjusts the underlying binary value in the data set.

    You can select which fields are displayed (when in an editor session) or printed. In an editor session, you can limit the scope of commands (such as FIND and CHANGE) to particular fields.

    You can change the order in which fields are displayed (when in an editor session) or printed.

    For numeric fields, you can display or suppress leading zeros (so that, for example, 00057 is displayed and printed as 57); the default is to suppress leading zeros.

  • Reformat records

    When copying data, you can “map” which fields in the input data set you want copied to the output data set. You can insert or delete fields, and copy data between fields of different data types or lengths.

  • Identify record types and select records within those types

    You can select records using two levels of criteria:

    • Record identification criteria

      Identify the unique characteristics of a record type, enabling Z Data Tools to distinguish it from other types of record in the same data set. You can then select which record types in a data set you want to use.

      Before you can specify record identification criteria, you need to examine your data, and determine what field values uniquely identify a record as belonging to a particular type.

    • Record selection criteria

      After a record has been identified as belonging to a particular type, you can specify record selection criteria to narrow down which records of that type you want to use.

  • Create data

    When creating a new data set, or adding a new field when copying a data set, you can specify field “create attributes” (patterns that Z Data Tools uses to initialize field values).