Printing a single record

At times, you may want to print a single record. Instead of setting up your template and selection criteria to narrow your selected records down to the one you require, you can print individual records. To do this:

  1. Display your data in a Browse or Edit panel.
  2. Select your display format (SNGL, TABL, CHAR, HEX or LHEX).
  3. Scroll your data until the record that you want to print is at the top of the data area.
  4. Enter one of the following primary commands:
    • RD (“Record Dump”) - this prints the current record in dump format, with hexadecimal values under the record data.
    • RP ("Record Print") - this prints the current record. The format of the output from the RP command depends on the display format when you enter the RP command. While printing records in SNGL view, additional information (redefined fields, field reference number, field type and length values, picture clause, start location, structure) can be printed depending on the Edit/Browse options. Numeric fields can be left-justified depending on the options.


Here is an example of RD output when the display format is CHAR:
                        CHAR CToyota              Avalon              AVALONConq
                        ZONE CE9A9A844444444444444CA899944444444444444CECDDDC999
                        NUMR 336863100000000000000151365000000000000001513653658
                        CHAR   Duncan Autos             SedanAuto62995PSteelYYYY
                        ZONE 29CA98894CAA9A4444444444444E8889CAA9FFFFFDEA889EEEE
                        NUMR 8C4453150143620000000000000254151436629957235538888
Here is an example of RP output when the display format is CHAR:
HCL Z Data Tools
                             CToyota              Avalon              AVALONConq
                               Duncan Autos             SedanAuto62995PSteelYYYY
Here is an example of RP output when the display format is SNGL (with all additional formatting options selected):
Ref Field                        Picture Typ Start   Len   Data
Record Number - 8

  1 1 VEHICLE-REC                        AN      1   159
  2  2 VEHICLE-TYPE              X       AN      1     1   C
  3  2 VEHICLE-MAKE              X(20)   AN      2    20   Toyota
  4  2 VEHICLE-MODEL             X(20)   AN     22    20   Avalon
  5  2 MODEL-CODE                X(6)    AN     42     6   AVALON
  6  2 VEHICLE-SUB-MODEL         X(20)   AN     48    20   Conquest
  7  2 YEAR-OF-MANUFACTURE       9(4)    ZD     68     4   2000
  8  2 NUMBER-ADVERTISED         9(4)    ZD     72     4   1
     2 FOR-SALE(1)                       AN     76    84
 10   3 REGO-NUMBER              X(8)    AN     76     8   1ARW-832
 11   3 COLOUR                   X(8)    AN     84     8   Green
 12   3 ODOMETER                 X(7)    AN     92     7   53864
 13   3 ASKING-PRICE             S9(6)   PD     99     4    25289
 14   3 DEALER                   X(25)   AN    103    25   Duncan Autos
 15   3 BODY-TYPE                X(5)    AN    128     5   Sedan
 16   3 TRANS-TYPE               X(4)    AN    133     4   Auto
 17   3 ENGINE-TYPE              9       ZD    137     1   6
 18   3 ENGINE-CAPACITY          9(4)    ZD    138     4   2995
Here is an example of RP output when the display format is SNGL (with no additional formatting options selected):
Field                      Data
Record Number - 8

VEHICLE-TYPE               C
VEHICLE-MAKE               Toyota
VEHICLE-MODEL              Avalon
MODEL-CODE                 AVALON
VEHICLE-SUB-MODEL          Conquest
REGO-NUMBER(1)             1ARW-832
COLOUR(1)                  Green
ODOMETER(1)                53864
ASKING-PRICE(1)             25289
DEALER(1)                  Duncan Autos
BODY-TYPE(1)               Sedan
TRANS-TYPE(1)              Auto
ENGINE-TYPE(1)             6
ENGINE-CAPACITY(1)         2995
Here is an example of RP output when the display format is TABL:
AN 1:1       AN 2:20              AN 22:20             AN 42:6    AN 48:20
-            <---+----1----+----> <---+----1----+----> <---+>     <---+----1----
C            Toyota               Avalon               AVALON     Conquest

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