WebSphere® MQ Queue Editor Entry panel

This panel is used to select an item from a list.

You can use it, for example, to select an WebSphere® MQ queue name that you want to view.

Panel and field definitions

Figure 1.  
  Process   Options   Help
 Z Data Tools            Websphere MQ Queue Editor Entry

 Websphere MQ Queue:
    Queue name . . . . D3.CSQ2.ANYQ                                  
    SSID . . . . . . . CSQ2
 Include descriptors .              (Message header information)
 Copybook or Template:
    Data set name  . .                                               
    Member . . . . . .              (Blank or pattern for member list)
 Processing Options:
  Copybook/template                         Enter "/" to select option
  3  1. Above                                  Edit template    Type (1,2,S)
     2. Previous                               Include only selected records
     3. None                                   Create audit trail
     4. Create dynamic

 Command ===>                                                                  
  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=Expand    F7=Backward  F8=Forward
  F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel
Queue name
The name of the WebSphere® MQ queue you want to view.

For a generic queue name, use the percent % sign to represent a single character, and an asterisk * to represent any number of characters within the name.

When a name containing generic characters is used, a selection list of matching WebSphere® MQ queues (on the associated WebSphere® MQ queue manager) is presented.

The name of the WebSphere® MQ queue manager for the WebSphere® MQ queue you want to view.
Include descriptors
When you select this option (with the / character), the message descriptor data returned by the GET MQ API is pre-pended to the record data, allowing these fields to be examined in conjunction with the message data.

If this option is not selected, only the message data is presented for viewing.

Data set name
A fully-qualified or generic data set name for the template describing the message or header contents of the queue you want to view.
Name of a member of a partitioned data set for the template describing the message or header contents of the queue you want to view.
Copybook/template usage
Indicates if you want to use a template for a logical view of the data.
Use the template specified on the panel (or compile the specified copybook into a template, and use that).
Use the last template associated with the data set.
No logical view is to be used by the function.
Create a dynamic template.
Edit template
Indicates if you want to edit the template before use. You edit the template when you need to change format, selection, data create attributes, and reformatting information for output copy templates.
Type (1,2,S)
The type of editing you want to perform.
You can specify one of the following values:
Edit the Record Identification Criteria by field first
Edit the Record Selection Criteria by field first
Edit the source definition for a template using the advanced copybook selection facility.

This option is ignored when editing a dynamic template.

Include only selected records
When using a template, only the records selected by template processing are included in the View session.

This option does not alter the operation of view if a template is not used.

Create audit trail
Determines if Z Data Tools generates an audit report of all successful modifications to data made during an Edit session.

The display of this option depends on whether SAF-rule controlled is in effect. See SAF-rule controlled auditing.

The ability to change this option depends on the installation options (in the HFM0POPT macro).

When your system administrator has enforced audit logging, the Create audit trail option in this panel is ignored.

When your system administrator has not enforced audit logging, you can set this option on or off for any particular editing task. Type a “/” in the option entry field to generate audit reporting for the current Edit session.

For more information about setting the Audit Trail options, refer to the Z Data Tools Customization Guide or see your systems administrator.

Parent panels

Child panels

Related tasks and examples