Browsing your user storage

You can use Memory Browse to display your user storage in dump format.

As you review your data, Z Data Tools saves up to 64 browse addresses in a pointer chain. You can move forwards and backwards through this chain, to return to previously visited areas.

To view your user storage:

  1. Perform either of these actions:
    • From the Utility Functions menu, select option 8 Storage.
    • From any panel in Z Data Tools, enter the MB primary command.

      The Memory Browse panel, shown in Memory Browse panel, is displayed.

  2. Scroll through your storage area, using any of the following techniques.
    • Use the DOWN (F8), UP (F7), TOP and BOTTOM commands. The areas reviewed using these commands are not saved in your pointer chain.
    • Enter a location, in hexadecimal format, into the Browse address field and then enter the NEXT command. This sets a new browse address and saves the current browse address to the chain.
    • Place the cursor onto a pointer value visible on the screen and then enter the NEXT command. This sets a new browse address and saves the current browse address to the chain.
    • Enter a FIND command on the Command line. This sets a new browse address and saves the current browse address to the chain.
    • Check that your cursor is not on a data field, then enter the NEXT or BACK commands without parameters to move through existing addresses in your chain.
  3. You can use the Search limit field to restrict the area searched.