Auxiliary edit

Auxiliary edit copies the original data set to a secondary data set. Only records currently being displayed or that have been modified (by change, delete, insert) are kept in storage. Z Data Tools recreates the original data set from the secondary data set and the In-memory changes when you enter a FILE or END command. The SAVE command is not supported when editing a data set using this method. You must end the editor session and re-edit the data set.

When Z Data Tools uses this editing technique, it displays "Aux Edit" in the top left of the Edit panel title line.

Z Data Tools uses Auxiliary edit when you have not selected Inplace edit, or you selected to edit an HFS file, or you selected to edit an SMS-compressed data set, and:
  • There is insufficient TSO region for In-memory edit, or
  • You have specified a starting position or record limit

The auxiliary data set created by Z Data Tools uses your TSO ID as the prefix High Level Qualifier. Your site may have its own standards and naming conventions for these data sets which result in the assignment of different storage categories (for example, classes, units, or privileges).

Your HFM Administrator can change this default in the customization and installation process. To override this default:

  1. From the Primary Options menu, select option 0.8 to display the Set Temporary Data Set Allocation Options panel.
  2. Enter a name pattern in the High Level Qualifier field. The pattern can be any multi-level qualifier, up to 24 bytes, and can include the following symbols:
    Represents User ID
    Represents TSO prefix

    Multi-level qualifiers that include symbols follow the same rules as used in JCL procedures for data set names with symbolic parameters. For example, assuming &USER=XXXX and &PREFIX=YYYY, the following HLQs could be set:



    The temporary HLQ serves as a user-created prefix for data sets created by Z Data Tools. These data sets have fixed names which can vary in length. The maximum system limit for a fully-resolved data set name (that is, the HLQ and the fixed name) is 44 bytes. If the combination of the HLQ and the fixed name resolve to more than 44 bytes, the least important part of the HLQ (the rightmost level) is ignored.

    Each level can only be 8 bytes long. If a construction such as &USER.ABCD resolves to more than 8 bytes, the rightmost part of the string is ignored.

  3. If your site uses the Storage Management System (SMS), enter values in the Data class, Storage class, and Management class fields.
  4. Press F3 to save the settings and exit from the panel.

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Note: In Auxiliary edit, updates using the block DD line command and the CHANGE ALL primary command are retained in memory and the commands limited to the storage available. If a short on storage condition occurs while processing these commands, the Storage Shortage Warning panel is displayed.