Using the foreground interface to import XML templates

Here is an example of importing using the base option 7.5.

  Process   Options   Help
 Z Data Tools           Template Import Utility
 Command ===>                                                                  

 XML Input:
    Data set name . 'HFM.XML.EXAMPLE'                             
    Member  . . . .          (Blank or pattern for member list)

 Import Template:
    Data set name . 'HFM.IMP.NEW'                                 
    Member mask . .         

 Processing Options:
    Enter "/" to select option            Enter "/" to select option
       Batch execution                    /  Replace - No update
       Advanced member selection             Skip member list

Press Enter to display the member list.

  Process   Options   Help
  Z Data Tools          XML Template Member Selection        Row 00001 of 00009
 Command ===>                                                       Scroll CSR 

 XML      data set HFM.XML.EXAMPLE                                              
 Template data set HFM.IMP.NEW                                                  
        Name     Prompt   Type Created    Updated             Lang   Ver Descr  
        *        *        *    *          *                   *      *   *      
        ABEND             BASE 2013/06/07 2013/06/07 10:29:55 COBOL  XML This   
 s      AODAO140          DYN                                 NONE   XML        
        CONVT1            DB2                                 NONE   XML        
        COPY01B           BASE 2012/12/01 2012/12/01 00:10:19 COBOL  XML        
        DJ1E              IMS  2013/07/03 2013/07/03 13:50:57 COBOL  XML        
        DJ1ECR2           CRIT 2013/05/09 2013/05/10 13:39:57 COBOL  XML        
        DJ1EVW            VIEW 2013/07/03 2013/07/03 13:51:00 COBOL  XML        
        EMPBASE           DB2  2012/09/19 2012/09/19 08:23:12 NONE   XML        
 s      TEST0102          BASE                                COBOL  XML        
 ****  End of data  ****                                                        

Running under the base product, it is only possible to import dynamic and base templates.

  Process   Options   Help
  Z Data Tools          XML Template Member Selection            Template saved
 Command ===>                                                       Scroll CSR 

 XML      data set HFM.XML.EXAMPLE                                              
 Template data set HFM.IMP.NEW                                                  
        Name     Prompt   Type Created    Updated             Lang   Ver Descr  
        *        *        *    *          *                   *      *   *      
        ABEND             BASE 2013/06/07 2013/06/07 10:29:55 COBOL  XML This   
        AODAO140 *ImpRepl DYN                                 NONE   XML        
        CONVT1            DB2                                 NONE   XML        
        COPY01B           BASE 2012/12/01 2012/12/01 00:10:19 COBOL  XML        
        DJ1E              IMS  2013/07/03 2013/07/03 13:50:57 COBOL  XML        
        DJ1ECR2           CRIT 2013/05/09 2013/05/10 13:39:57 COBOL  XML        
        DJ1EVW            VIEW 2013/07/03 2013/07/03 13:51:00 COBOL  XML        
        EMPBASE           DB2  2012/09/19 2012/09/19 08:23:12 NONE   XML        
        TEST0102 *ImpRepl BASE                                COBOL  XML        
 ****  End of data  ****                                                        

You can use the foreground utility to generate the batch JCL to run the import.