Which tasks can be enhanced

You can supply a procedure with DFSORT or REXX statements to enhance normal Z Data Tools processing according to your own requirements.

Table 1. Situations in which you can supply an enhanced procedure

This table has three columns, except for the final row, "Note:", which spans all three columns.

When performing this task… REXX DFSORT
Copying data with the Copy Utility (option 3.3) or DSC function 1
Editing a data set with the DSEB function (not available in panels)2
Printing data with the Print Utility (option 3.2) or DSP function 1
Updating records in a data set with the DSU function (not available in panels)2
Finding or changing data with the Find/Change Utility (option 3.6) or FCH function
  1. DFSORT cannot be used on a PDS or PDSE.
  2. You must supply REXX statements with the DSEB and DSU functions. In other situations, this is optional.