Copying HFS files

You can copy HFS files to and from other HFS files and z/OS® data sets. In general, the methods are the same as described in Copying data sets. When you specify an HFS file as either the From or To object, Z Data Tools treats it as a sequential data set.

Both source and target files can be interpreted as text or binary files. If the Binary mode option is not selected, text mode is assumed and records are determined by delimiters. If you select the Binary mode option, the records are determined by record size defined in reclen, or by the default, 80 bytes.

If you specify a path to the HFS directory as an input file, Z Data Tools displays the directory list. You can select one or more HFS files and copy them. If you select a subdirectory, Z Data Tools displays a new list, allowing selection on the next level. To return to the previous list, press the Exit function key (F3). In this way, you can navigate through the directories and choose the files to be displayed.

To display a pop-up window with the absolute path name (including the complete file name, which may be shortened on the list), position the cursor against the file name and press Enter. If this is the From HFS directory, the pop-up window allows you to rename the target file (if the To specification describes an HFS directory) or the target member (if the To specification describes a PDS library).

If the directory is specified in batch, all regular files from this directory, but not from sub-directories, are copied.

When you copy members from a PDS library to an HFS directory, member names become file names (they can be changed in the fullscreen mode). When you copy from an HFS directory to a PDS library, the targets are members and their names must conform to a member name. If you do not rename the target files, Z Data Tools derives the file name in the following way:
  • Translates the file name to uppercase.
  • If the name is longer than 8 characters, characters from the ninth position onwards are ignored.
  • Starting from the first character, Z Data Tools uses the maximum number of characters (up to a maximum of 8) that conform to member name rules to form the file name. If the first character violates the member name rules, the target name is not created and the file is not copied.