Example 8. Setting up reference members using F4 Select option

Enter the EL command that is followed by prefix command I to create a member.
 Z Data Tools                Enhanced Reference List            Row 1 to 3 of 3 
 Command ===>                                                       Scroll CSR  
 Data set name   DTORNEY.HFMSRCH.INDEX                                          
 Member pattern  *                                                              
   Name     Description                              Date Changed        Size   
 I DEFAULT                                           2016/07/17 14:35        2  
   HFS                                               2016/07/17 16:14        1  
 ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************
Press Enter and type a new member name and description.
 ─ ┌───────────────── Insert Reference member ───────────────────┐ ──────────── 
 F │ Command ===>                                                │  1 to 3 of 3 
 C │                                                             │  Scroll CSR  
   │ Member  MYDSN                                               │              
   │ Desc    Example of selecting DSNs                           │       Size   
 I │                                                             │              
   │                                                             │ 35        2  
   │ Press ENTER to edit the member.                             │ 14        1  
 * │ Press EXIT or CANCEL to cancel the insert.                  │ *************
   │                                                             │              
   │                                                             │              
   │                                                             │              
Press Enter and type the high-level qualifier HFM.
   File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help            
 EDIT       DTORNEY.HFMSRCH.INDEX(MYDSNS) - 01.00           Columns 00001 00072 
 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
 ****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
 =NOTE= Specify 1 to 4 data set names in the following format:                  
 =NOTE= Input_dsn Input_template Output_dsn Output_template                     
 =NOTE= Where                                                                   
 =NOTE=   Input_dsn      : Input data set or path name                          
 =NOTE=   Input_template : Input template (specify - to bypass)                 
 =NOTE=   Output_dsn     : Output data set or path name                         
 =NOTE=   Output_template: Output template                                      
 =NOTE= Note: Search only applies to the first data set name on the line.       
 '''''' HFM                                                                     
Place the cursor on HFM and press the F4 function key.
   File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help            
 ─ ┌────────────────── HFM ───────────────────┐ ─────────────────────────────────
 E │  Z Data Tools                           │ 0            Columns 00001 00072 
 C │  Edit/View   Utility    Template        │                 Scroll ===> CSR  
 * │ ─────────────────────────────────────   │ ta ******************************
 = │ Command ===>                            │ able until you change            
 = │                                         │ ommand RECOVERY ON.              
 ' │ 1  View     View resource               │                                  
 ' │ 2  Edit     Edit resource               │                                  
 ' │ 3  Select   Select resource list        │                                  
 ' │ 4  Dslist   ISPF data set list          │                                  
 ' │ 5  Search   Nested search               │                                  
 ' │ 6  All      Show all occurrences        │                                  
 ' │ 7  First    Find first occurrence       │                                  
 ' │ 8  Prev     Find previous occurrence    │                                  
 ' │ 9  Next     Find next occurrence        │                                  
 ' │ 10 Last     Find last occurrence        │                                  
 ' │ 11 Rsearch  Search the resource         │                                  
 ' │ 12 PDSE2    Workbench                   │ 
 ' │                                         │                                  
 ' └─────────────────────────────────────────┘                                  
 ****** **************************** Bottom of Data ****************************

Select option 3 to bring up a selection list.

Change the data set to HFM.HFMDATA.** in the heading, press Enter, and select a number of data sets as follows:
  Process   Options   Help                                                      
  Z Data Tools                DATA SET SELECTION             Row 00001 of 00080 
 Command ===>                                                       Scroll PAGE 
 Data Set Selection for HFM.FMDATA.**                                           
   DATA SET NAME                                  TYPE  VOLUME CREATED          
   HFM.FMDATA.**                                  *     *      *                
   HFM.FMDATA                                     NVSAM D$FM07 2005.285         
   HFM.FMDATA.CETEST                              NVSAM D$FM16 2009.306         
   HFM.FMDATA.CETEST1                             NVSAM D$FM17 2009.317         
   HFM.FMDATA.COPYGDG                             NVSAM D$FM08 2015.171         
 s HFM.FMDATA.ESDS                                ESDS         2009.192         
   HFM.FMDATA.ESDS.DATA                           DATA  D$FM05 2009.192         
   HFM.FMDATA.ESDS.EDIT                           ESDS         2010.301         
   HFM.FMDATA.ESDS.EDIT.DATA                      DATA  D$FM06 2010.301         
   HFM.FMDATA.ESDS.GAYATRI                        ESDS         2009.194         
   HFM.FMDATA.ESDS.GAYATRI.DATA                   DATA  D$FM06 2009.194         
 s HFM.FMDATA.ESDS.NEW1X                          ESDS         2015.224         
   HFM.FMDATA.ESDS.NEW1X.DATA                     DATA  D$FM16 2015.224         
   HFM.FMDATA.ESDS.NEW2X                          ESDS         2015.224         
   HFM.FMDATA.ESDS.NEW2X.DATA                     DATA  D$FM19 2015.224         
 s HFM.FMDATA.ESDS.NEW3X                          ESDS         2015.224         
   HFM.FMDATA.ESDS.NEW3X.DATA                     DATA  D$FM15 2015.224         
 s HFM.FMDATA.ESDS.R4089                          ESDS         2012.328         
Press Enter to highlight the data sets for selection. Change the data set name in the header to find more data sets.
  Process   Options   Help                                                      
  Z Data Tools                DATA SET SELECTION             Row 00001 of 00001 
 Command ===>                                                       Scroll PAGE 
 Data Set Selection for HFM.PI07105.DATA                                        
   DATA SET NAME                                  TYPE  VOLUME CREATED          
   HFM.PI07105.DATA                               *     *      *          
 s HFM.PI07105.DATA                               PDSE  D$FM03 2013.343         
 ****  END OF DATA  ****                                                        
To insert the data set names into the member, press Enter after you select additional data sets followed by F3.
   File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help            
 ISREDDE2   DTORNEY.HFMSRCH.INDEX(MYDSN) - 01.00            Columns 00001 00072 
 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
 ****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
 000100 HFM.FMDATA.ESDS                                                         
 000200 HFM.FMDATA.ESDS.NEW1X                                                   
 000300 HFM.FMDATA.ESDS.NEW3X                                                   
 000400 HFM.FMDATA.ESDS.R4089                                                   
 000500 HFM.PI07105.DATA                                                        
 ****** **************************** Bottom of Data ****************************