Example 3. EC command panel: batch option

This example shows generating JCL to submit the scan or change request as a batch job.

Enter EC to open the Enhanced Change Command panel.

Enter the before and after strings in the Search and Replace fields.
   ┌───────────────────── Enhanced Change Command ─────────────────────┐        
 ─ │ HFMPCHNG ==>                                                      │ ────── 
 I │                                                                   │        
 O │ Command:                                                          │        
   │ Search                                                          + │        
 0 │ Replace def                                                     + │ ONED 
 1 │ Options        Columns        Limits               Change         │ 46     
 2 │ _ 1 Prefix     _______ From   ________ MAXINREC      ISPF         │ 8      
 3 │   2 Suffix     _______ To     ________ MAXRECS       Memory       │        
 4 │   3 Word                      ________ FIRST                      │ LISH   
 5 │ Member  ________     _ Edit                                       │        
 6 │                                                                   │ F      
 7 │ Scope:                                                            │ ONED   
 9 │ Member  ________     _ Edit                                       │ 2      
 1 │ DDnames                                                         + │ GSA    
 1 │ DSNs .                                                          + │ F 7.1  
 1 │                                                                   │        
 1 │ Options:                                                          │        
 1 │ Enter "/" to select option                             ISPF Pack  │        
 1 │   Immediate    Result    Parmlib    Proclib    1. Asis            │
 S │   Batch        Jobcard   Edit                  2. Skip            │
   │  F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=Exit      F4=Expand    F7=Backward  │        
   │  F8=Forward   F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel    │ p      
 F └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ 

Press Enter to view and submit the batch JCL.

Note: Because the Immediate option was not selected the batch job will run scan mode only. To apply the changes, select the Immediate option and then press Enter. This will regenerate the JCL with the keyword UPDATE=YES .