Product tagging job and control statements

You use the HZASPTAG job in the JCLLIB to run the Product Tagging utility. This job is generated from the HZASCUST post-installation customization job. You input control statements using the SYSIN file.

General syntax rules are:

  • Fixed length, variable length, and undefined record formats are processed.
  • Short records are extended to 72 bytes of data, with blanks if necessary.
  • Only the first 72 bytes of data for each record are processed by the Tagger.
  • Records beginning with an asterisk are treated as comments and do not alter continuation status.
  • The first non-blanks of a statement must identify the statement type.
  • One or more blanks must follow the statement type.
  • A statement with no value or operand specified is invalid.
  • For statement types other than SELECT, the specified value is deemed to start with the first non-blank after the statement type name.
  • Statements can be placed in any order. All statements are processed before any tagging activity commences.
  • SELECT is the only statement type which can be supplied more than once in an input file.
  • SELECT is the only statement type which can be continued over more than one record.

The following table lists all of the statement types that you can use with the Product Tagging utility:

Table 1. Product Tagging utility statement types
Statement Type Value Default Value Required Maximum length
VENDOR Vendor name - Yes 50 bytes
PRODUCT Product name - Yes 64 bytes
PPNUM Licensed program number blanks No 16 bytes
OPTION Optional feature name BASE No 64 bytes
VERSION Software level - Yes 16 bytes
LICENSED Separately licensed feature? (YES or NO) NO No 3 bytes
TAGMEM Output member name @HZAPTAG No 8 bytes
SELECT Program name filter PGM(*) No 8 bytes per mask

SELECT is not a value-oriented statement type. It has operands which have values specified in parentheses. The PROGRAM or PGM inclusion operand can be abbreviated to P. The XPROGRAM or XPGM exclusion operand can be abbreviated to XP.

The Tagger stops parsing a SELECT record and the current statement continues on to the next record whenever a continuation character is encountered. Valid continuation characters are plus and hyphen. A continuation cannot occur within an operand name, or a value mask.

SELECT syntax

[ { PROGRAM | PGM ( member-masklist ) } ] [ { XPROGRAM | XPGM ( member-masklist ) } ]
A string up to 8 bytes in length, representing one or more possible member names of a PDS or PDSE. Use a percent sign to indicate that any single character is to be considered a match in the exact location of the compared character string. Use an asterisk to indicate that any zero or more characters are a match.