TPARAM parameters

The TPARAM parameters that you specify for Usage Import define what data is included in the import.

Default is 1000. Number of records stored before issuing a COMMIT.
Default is 12. The number of months prior to the current month for which records in TUSEMTD are still retained.

The parameter controls when product usage totals are counted. Setting to Y indicates that records are counted in the Usage Import job for systems and periods that are processed and receive new usage details.

The Usage Import deletes count entries for systems and periods that receive new usage details and are invalidated by the new details, regardless of the setting of the COUNTUSAGE parameter.

Default setting is COUNTUSAGE=N. For performance reasons, if you are running Usage Imports for many systems importing usage data into the same Repository, run the Aggregator step only once in the last Usage Import job. The Aggregator step performs the same function in summarizing the product usage records.

Db2® location. Value assigned, as defined in job HZASCUST.
Repository qualifier. Name of qualifier is &REPZSCHM.