Files used by the Automation Server

Several files must be available for use by the Automation Server.

Load library containing the product software. Not required if Z Asset Optimizer is installed into the system link list.
Partitioned data set containing fixed-length 80-byte records. Member HZAAPARM of this partitioned data set contains the Automation Server control statements that specify the actions to be performed. For each action in the HZAAPARM member, there is a corresponding member of the same name containing the template data for that action. The template data is made up of JCL or an FTP command stream containing symbolic references, to be resolved by the Automation Server when the action is performed.
A VSAM KSDS control data set used by the Automation Server.
Specifies the message report file for the Automation Server. Initialization statements, error messages, and activity logging messages, are written to this file.
Specifies the message report file for Language Environment®.
Specifies the message report file for Language Environment®.
Specifies the message report file for the FTP program. The contents are determined by the FTP program installed in the system.
Specifies a fixed length 120-byte record file containing FTP commands read by the FTP program. The FTP commands are written to this file before the Automation Server FTP action is performed.
Specifies a fixed length 80-byte record file to be directed to the internal reader used by the system. The Automation Server writes a job stream to this file whenever a JOB action is to be performed.