All License

The All license report displays the raw license data that you imported via the batch job HZASLICI.

The All License report lists the License data imported.

You can search on any field using the Search button. The initial view is a summary of the imported licenses.

The Actions icons against each license in the last column allows you to View more detailed information, or Edit an existing license:

Basic Details

The Basic Detailsscreen shows the basic details about the license.

License Details

The License Details screen shows the License details. Currently only MSU is supported as a Capacity unit.

Vendor Details

The Vendor Details screen displays the contact information for the vendor that the product was purchased from.

Owner Details

The Owner Details screen shows who is the contact for the licensed product at your company.
If the data needs to be changed, you can either update the CSV file with your changes and then run HZASLICIagain to reload the license data. The data in the License table will be replaced with the updated data, or you can edit the data online.
The following screen is displayed:

Scroll through the record until you find the itme you want to edit and, if there are no other changes to be done, press Submit. The entry in the License table will be updated with your changes. You can also add new entries by pressing the Add button .

The Add new item screen will open.

For the Vendor, Product, Feature and Version fields, you can select from the data that has already been imported in the PRODUCT table by Z Asset Optimizer . When you select a Vendor, the fields Product and Feature fields are updated with the identified products for that Vendor. Once all the additions are done, press the Submit button and the new entry will be loaded into the database.