Analyzer security

You can view Analyzer reports in a web browser, such as Firefox, and you can communicate with the Analyzer utility to perform interactive queries.

Some of the Analyzer reports contain a large amount of information and it is recommended that you use a screen resolution of at least 1440 x 900 pixels to view them.

The following table describes the security modes that you can configure for accessing Analyzer online.

Table 1. Security modes for accessing Analyzer online
Security configuration Communication mode Access ID and password Access permissions
Standard user ID and password. Default values are:
  • User: zaousr and password ZAO
  • Admin: zaoadm and password ZAO
User ID zaousr has limited access. User ID zaoadm has full access.

z/OS® system user ID and password

Default: User TSO ID and password

Depends on the users' access to the HZACANLZ application and various ZAO and Db2® resources