Collecting and importing data from other systems

After you verify that all components are correctly installed on the test Repository database, you can now discover and import Inquisitor and Usage Monitor data from other z/OS® logical partitions (LPARs).


  1. Run the following jobs to collect Inquisitor and Usage data from other systems:
    1. Run the HZASINQZ job to scan all other LPARs and generate output to the hzainst.HZAPZIP.Z&SMF file.
    2. Run the HZASINQU job and generate output to the hzainst.HZAUZIP.U&SMF file.
    3. Run the HZASUMON job to start the Usage Monitor as a batch job on the other LPARS.
  2. Transfer collected data to the central site via file transfer protocol (FTP).
  3. Run the following jobs to import Inquisitor and Usage data at the central site:
    1. Run the HZASIQIM job to import Inquisitor data from the hzainst.HZAPZIP.Z&SMF and hzainst.HZAUZIP.U&SMF files for each LPAR.
    2. Run the HZASUIMP job to import Usage data from the hzainst.UM&SMF.D*.T* file for each LPAR.