Submitting jobs by reference

About this task

When you submit a job by reference, you create a job definition in the distributed environment and submit it from HCL Workload Automation for Z to the distributed environment. In the distributed environment, the job is dynamically assigned to the best available resource. You write in the HCL Workload Automation for Z JCL only the job name of the job, without having to write or import the whole job into the JCL. You can submit jobs by reference only on broker workstations.

To submit jobs by reference from HCL Workload Automation for Z, perform the following steps:
  1. Define a job with name broker_test by using the Dynamic Workload Console. This job contains the operations to be performed:
  2. Create a JCL, using the ISPF panels or the Dynamic Workload Console, specifying the name of the job you created in step 1. This references the job in the distributed environment.
  3. Submit the JCL. As a result, the broker_test job is submitted in the distributed environment.