To define the properties of a job to be run on HCL Workload Automation Agent workstations, use the following format:
The following syntax rules apply:
  • The value of each keyword can continue over one or more lines.
  • Each statement must be on a separate line.
  • The value of each keyword must be enclosed within parentheses. This means that every character enclosed within the parentheses is considered to be part of the keyword value, including blanks and single quotes.
  • The script or executable must follow the //END JOBREC line.
  • If you specify the same keyword more than once, only the last keyword specified is considered valid.
  • You can insert any comment text by using //* as the starting characters.
  • Unsupported keywords inserted in the statement are ignored without warning.
  • Keywords are optional, unless otherwise indicated.
  • Keywords and values are case-sensitive.
Note: When the job is defined using a JOBREC and specifying the JOBTYPE keyword, or when it is defined using the Dynamic Workload Console, any USERID specified in the job definition is not used as the user under which the job runs on the z-centric agent. Rather, the specified USERID is needed to perform logon to the remote back end processes, such as, database servers or web servers, with which the job must interact.

In contrast, with native z-centric jobs defined directly in the EQQJBLIB without any JOBREC, or with a JOBREC but without the JOBTYPE keyword, the USERID provided by the JOBUSER keyword of the JOBREC, or by EQQUX001, is used by the z-centric agent as the ID under which it submits the job on the server where the agent runs.

JOBREC is supported by z-centric agent (HCL Workload Automation Agent) on IBM i systems, provided that you set RunExecutableAsIBMiJobs=true in the JobManager.ini file.

In the JOBREC statement, you can define different job types.

Supported job types and their related keywords are listed in Jobs and their keywords.
Table 1. Jobs and their keywords
Job to be run Keywords Section

DBNAME (required)
DBTYPE (required)
JOBTYPE (required)
PORT (required)
SERVER (required)
STATEMENT(id) (required)
CMDTYPE(id) (optional)
JOBPWD (optional)
JOBUSR (optional)
POLLINGIVL(id) (optional, applies
only to the MSSQL database type)
SYNCTYPE(id) (optional, applies
only to the MSSQL database type)
WSNAME (optional)

Syntax diagram for database job types
file transfer

JOBPWD (required)
JOBTYPE (required)
JOBUSR (required)
LOCALFILE (required)
APPENDTEXT (optional)
LOCALPWD (optional)
LOCALUSR (optional)
MAXPORT (optional)
MINPORT (optional)
PASSIVEMODE (optional)
PROTOCOL (optional)
REMOTEFILE (required)
SERVER (required)
TIMEOUT (optional)

Syntax diagram for file transfer job types
web service

JOBTYPE (required)
OPNAME (required)
URL (required)
JOBPWD (optional)
JOBUSR (optional)
PARM(id) (optional)
WSNAME (optional)

Syntax diagram for web service job types

CLASSNAME (required)
JOBTYPE (required)
JARPATH (optional)
JAVAPARM(id) (optional)

Syntax diagram for Java job type

JOBTYPE (required)
ENVVAR(id) (optional)
JOBPWD (optional)
JOBUSR (optional)
WSNAME (optional)

Syntax diagram for xajob job type
j2ee jms

CONNFACTORY (required)
DESTINATION (required)
JOBTYPE (required)
AUTHALIAS (optional)
INVOKEYTYPE (optional)
JOBPWD (optional)
JOBUSR (optional)
MESSAGE (optional)
WSNAME (optional)

Syntax diagram for J2EE jms job type