Data area

The data area is used only if the RETMSG or RETMSGID argument name is specified.

The data area address is set to locate an area for a message ID. This address is available on return from the OPTIONS request. At each subsequent program interface request (excluding the TERM request), the ID of an issued message is returned in this area.

The first 3 characters of the returned message ID are MSG. The last character is either:
If the message is suppressed by the SUPMSG OPTIONS request.
The message ID area is blank if no message is issued for a request. If a program interface request causes more than one message to be written to the message log, the message returned is the one considered to be the highest severity. The severity levels are E, blank, W, and I. The highest severity is E (error), and the lowest severity is I (information). If more than one message has the same severity level, the first message issued takes precedence.

When RETMSG is specified, the message ID is part of a larger area. The data available at the address returned is:

Returned message area

    Offset   Length    Type         Description

     -4        2       Int          Text line length
     -2        2       Int          Number of text lines
      0        8       Char         Message ID
     +8        *       Char         Text lines, the length is the
                                    number of text lines multiplied
                                    by the text line length