
You can specify arguments to:
  • Determine if a recovery environment is established. The recovery environment consists of a SPIE exit routine and an ESTAE recovery routine, which, in case of error, dumps certain storage areas and terminates execution. You can specify argument name ESTAEI, ESTAER, LUNAME, or NOESTAE. Argument values are not required.
  • Identify the message log to which that messages are written.
Argument name=ACCOID
The parameter that determines if the OI database is to be accessed when a LIST or SELECT request on CP operations is issued.
Argument value=accoid
A 1-byte character field for the accoid: valid values are Y or N. Y means that the OI database is read (this is the default). N means that the OI database is not read.
Argument name=DUBPROC
The parameter with which the BPX1SDD routine is invoked for the program interface TCP/IP session.
Argument value=dubproc
A 1-byte character field for the dubproc: valid values are Y or N. Y means that BPX1SDD is invoked by using DUBPROCESS parameter. N means that BPX1SDD is invoked by using DUBPROCESSDEFER parameter. The default is N.
Argument name=ESTAEI
The recovery environment is established at the INIT request. It remains in effect until the TERM request. This is the default.
Argument name=ESTAER
The recovery environment is established and terminated for each individual request. This might be needed if, for example, your program has a recovery environment dependent on the setting of a certain register, as in PLI.
Argument name=LUNAME
This argument allows the user to specify a server or controller LU name for the program interface session.
Argument value=luname
A 17-byte field for the LU name address, ending by a blank if shorter than 17 bytes.
Argument name=MLOGDDN
This argument identifies a message log that messages are written to, rather than the default message log, EQQMLOG.

Each INIT request requires its own message log. If you make more than one INIT request before a TERM request, or if PIF is invoked by a program or started task that is already using EQQMLOG, specify MLOGDDN for each additional INIT request. If MLOGDDN is not specified, and EQQMLOG is already in use, message EQQZ038E is written to the SYSLOG and the INIT request fails.

Argument value=ddname
An 8-character field, left justified, which identifies the ddname of the data set that messages are written to.
Argument name=NOESTAE
No recovery environment is established.
Argument name=PIFDLCHECK
For occurrences that are dynamically added to the current plan through OCL, PIF, or BCIT without setting a deadline, this argument enables HCL Workload Automation for Z to set a flexible deadline.
Argument value=Y
When the occurrence deadline to be taken from the first run cycle is not available or is earlier than the Input Arrival time, HCL Workload Automation for Z sets the deadline as the IA time + 8 hours.
Argument value=N
Default. HCL Workload Automation for Z sets the occurrence deadline as the IA time + 8 hours only if the deadline to be taken from the first run cycle is not available. If it is available and is earlier than the Input Arrival time, an error condition occurs.
Argument name=REMHOST
The server host name for the program interface TCP/IP session. REMHOST and LUNAME are mutually exclusive.
Argument value=server hostname
A 52-byte field for the host name address, ending by a blank if shorter than 52 bytes.
Argument name=REMPORT
The server port number for the program interface TCP/IP session. REMHOST and LUNAME are mutually exclusive.
Argument value=server port number
A 4-byte integer field for the port number: valid values are from 0 to 65535.
Argument name=USRLEV
This argument communicates to EQQYCOM the level of the user program. If not specified, the programming interface assumes that the user-written program is invoking the PIF program at its latest version, and you need to recompile to see the changes in the segment layouts. In this situation, PIF uses new layouts to communicate with old user program.

According to the functions that you are using (earlier or later than HCL Workload Automation for Z V9.5), specify one of the following values:

Argument value=n
Identifies the level of the user program. The valid values are:
Identifies the enablement of changes done for IBM Workload Scheduler for z/OS V9.3 through the APAR PI57310.
Identifies the enablement of changes done for IBM Workload Scheduler for z/OS V9.3 through the APARs PI62520 and PI62521.
Identifies HCL Workload Automation for Z V9.5. If you are using this level, you need to recompile the user-written applications to see the changes in the segment layouts.
Identifies the enablement of changes done for HCL Workload Automation for Z V9.5.
Identifies the enablement of changes done for HCL Workload Automation for Z V9.5 through the Package HWAZ_950_APAR_HC00001.