Specifying dependency resolution

About this task

You can specify whether dependencies should be resolved and if all occurrences in the group should be added using the same priority or JCL variable table. When you request automatic dependency resolution for an application group, HCL Workload Automation for Z will first attempt to establish any dependencies to other applications within the group that is being added.

The applications in an application group are handled as a single entity, but when the group is added to the current plan, the occurrences are generated one at a time. If HCL Workload Automation for Z is abnormally terminated during such a transaction, the occurrences already added to the current plan will not be backed out, and the other occurrences will not be automatically added when HCL Workload Automation for Z is restarted. The order that HCL Workload Automation for Z creates the occurrences depends both on the application name and the structure of the dependencies between the applications. The order does not affect how the dependencies are created.

When an occurrence group is added, HCL Workload Automation for Z resolves dependencies only within the group if you specify option G on the AUTOMATIC DEP field in EQQMAAGL - Adding an occurrence group to the CP. For all other options, dependencies will be resolved as normal for each added occurrence, with the exception that dependencies are always resolved within the group if possible.

Before adding any occurrence, HCL Workload Automation for Z checks for dependency loops in the occurrence group. If it detects a loop, one of the dependencies forming the loop will not be resolved within the group. However, if there is another occurrence, external to the group, that matches the dependency criteria, the dependency will be resolved to this external occurrence if option Y or P is specified in the AUTOMATIC DEP field. A warning message is issued.

If an application defines a dependency that cannot be satisfied within the group, HCL Workload Automation for Z will attempt to establish the dependency to another occurrence, outside the group, in the current plan. You can see the dependencies established for occurrences created by adding the application group by entering the GRAPH command on the MODIFYING OCCURRENCES ADDED TO THE CURRENT PLAN panel (EQQMAMOL - Modifying occurrences added to the current plan).

When you have entered the required data and deleted any rows that you do not want to include in the group, enter END or press PF3. The applications required in the group are added to the plan. Initially, these occurrences are held by HCL Workload Automation for Z to let you modify the operation data or modify dependencies for any occurrences in the group. If you do not want to proceed with the group add, enter CANCEL on the ADDING AN OCCURRENCE GROUP TO THE CP panel (EQQMAAGL - Adding an occurrence group to the CP).

When the occurrences are added to the plan, HCL Workload Automation for Z displays this panel, which lists only those occurrences added as a result of adding the group:

Figure 1. EQQMAMOL - Modifying occurrences added to the current plan
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE

Enter the DELETE command to delete all occurrences and exit, or
Enter the GRAPH command to display occurrence list graphically or
enter any of the row commands below:
B - Browse, D - Delete, M - Modify, RG - Remove from group,
C - Complete, W -Set to Waiting, R - Rerun

Row Application                                 Input arrival   S   P  G
cmd id                text                      date     time
'' PAYM1             MONTHLY PAYROLL JOBS      03/03/14 12.00  W   5  Y
'' PAYM2             MONTHLY PAYROLL TRANSFER  03/03/14 12.00  W   5  Y
Note: If you are using the advanced panels, you can perform these occurrence tasks from either the Table Row Commands table (see EQQSRCLP - Table Row Commands panel) or from the Occurrence menu of the OPERATION IN THE CURRENT PLAN panel (see Occurrence).

From the MODIFYING OCCURRENCES ADDED TO THE CURRENT PLAN panel, you have access to the complete range of MCP services. At this point, the occurrences are still in a hold state; if you enter CANCEL from this panel, the occurrences remain held. The occurrences are already added to the plan, but you can mark them deleted with the DELETE command. If you do this, you cannot add these occurrences later with exactly the same input arrival date and time (because the occurrences, even though marked deleted, are still in the plan). If you need to add them again later, change the arrival time slightly.

After making any modifications, enter END or press PF3 to release the occurrences. If your conversation with HCL Workload Automation for Z subsystem is cancelled for any reason while the occurrences are still in a hold state, they remain held.

Note: While you are using the panel in EQQMAMOL - Modifying occurrences added to the current plan, nobody else can access the listed occurrences. Release the lock as soon as you can.