
  1. In this example the reportcli.cmd is run with the default parameter and produces the report jrh1:
    reportcli.cmd -p D:\ReportCLI\TWSReportCli\reports\templates\jrh.properties 
    -r jrh1
  2. In this example the reportcli.cmd is run using the -k parameter to override the values set for PARAM_DateFormat in the .\config\common.properties file and produces the report jrh2:
    reportcli.cmd -p D:\ReportCLI\TWSReportCli\reports\templates\jrh.properties 
    -r jrh2 -k PARAM_DateFormat=short
  3. In this example the reportcli.cmd is run using the -k parameter to override the format specified for the report output in the PROPERTIES file and produces the report wwr3:
     ./reportcli.sh -p /TWSReportCli/REPCLI/reports/templates/wwr.properties 
    -r wwr3 -k REPORT_OUTPUT_FORMAT=html -k OutputView=charts
  4. Do the following if you want to run a Custom SQL report and make available the output of the report at the following URL as http://myserver/reportoutput/report1.html:
    1. Configure the ContextRootUrl parameter in the common.properties files as follows:
      	# HTTP Server information
      	#Specify the context root where the report will be available
      	#To leverage this possibility it needs to specify in the report output dir
      	#the directory that is referred by your HTTP Server with this contect root
    2. When you run a command specify as output_report_dir a directory that points to the same HTTP directory specified in the ContextRootUrl. For example, if you mapped locally the http://myserver/ as R: driver, you can run the following command:
         -p REPORT_CLI_DIR\reports\TWS\historical\templates\sql.properties 
         -r report1 
         -o R:\reportoutput
    3. As a confirmation for the successful run of the report, the following message is displayed:
      AWSBRC0106I Report available on: http://myserver/reportoutput/report1.html
      This URL shows where the report output is available.
Note: If the report is run through an HCL Workload Automation job, the output of the command is displayed in the job output.