Preparing jobs with unresolved promptable variables

The scheduler:
  1. Scans a job for variables that are not specified as substitute-at-submit variables.
  2. Displays all promptable variables on the LIST OF JCL PREPARATION VARIABLES TO BE SET panel (EQQRLVAL - List of JCL preparation variables to be set) so that you can enter values.
    Figure 1. EQQRLVAL - List of JCL preparation variables to be set
     Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE
     Enter/change data in the rows, and/or enter the row command S to display
     the Ready List Variable Response Panel.
     Application id        : SCRIPT7           An AIX/6000 transfer script
     Operation             : CPU7 015
     Jobname               : SCRIPT7
     EDIT JCL           ===> Y                 Edit the tailored JCL: Y ,or N
     Row Variable Variable             Variable
     cmd name     description          value
     '   PROMPT1  Line 1 of data       greetings   ________________________________
     '   PROMPT2  Line 2 of data       from AIX/6000   ____________________
     ******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************
  3. Ends when you enter one of these commands:
    • CANCEL. The scheduler skips variable substitution and does not save the job.
    • END, which causes HCL Workload Automation for Z to:
      1. Validate all promptable variable values
      2. Substitute promptable variables in the job
      3. Substitute all non-promptable variables
      4. Store the job in the JCL repository.

If errors are found, a message is displayed on the variable list panel.

If you specify that you want to edit the job on the LIST OF JCL PREPARATION VARIABLES TO BE SET panel, HCL Workload Automation for Z invokes the ISPF edit function when you enter the END command and displays the EDITING JCL FOR AN OPERATION\ panel (EQQRJCLE - Editing JCL for an operation).

Figure 2. EQQRJCLE - Editing JCL for an operation
 EQQRJCLE --------------- EDITING JCL FOR AN OPERATION -------------------------
 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR

 Edit JCL below and press END to complete,  CANCEL to reject and reset,
 or  TSAVE to save changes and interrupt the operation.

 Application           : SCRIPT7           An AIX/6000 transfer script
 Operation             : CPU7 015
 Jobname               : SCRIPT7           JCL last updated by: XRAYNER

# Create a data file
echo 'greetings    '  > $jclfile
echo 'from AIX/6000' >> $jclfile

# Create a file to send
echo 'open SYSTEM'    > $ftpfile
echo 'site file=jes' >> $ftpfile
echo 'site lrecl=80' >> $ftpfile
echo "put $jclfile"  >> $ftpfile

# Invoke FTP to send the file
ftp <  $ftpfile
rm $jclfile

# Invoke command and save return code
if [ "$src" -eq 0 ]
  then status=C
  else status=E

After you have modified the job, the END command saves the job in the JCL repository, and you exit from ISPF edit. If you enter the CANCEL command, you do not cancel the variable values set because they are already stored in the JCL repository.

If the setup operation is for several processor operations (all with the same job name), HCL Workload Automation for Z displays a list of the operations that you can choose from.

Note: The standard ISPF edit SAVE command has no effect when you are editing a job within HCL Workload Automation for Z.