SYSIN requirements

The SYSIN data is normally supplied from the select panel; it is the input parameter to the batch program. The layout of the SYSIN DD statement is as follows:
COLUMNS  1         2         3
YYMMDDyymmdd                  (format 1)
YYMMDD      dddd              (format 2)
  YYMMDD = plan start date, or blank
  yymmdd = plan end date             (format 1)
  dddd   = extension length, in days (format 2)
You can specify the following for a trial long-term plan:
Specify a start date and an end date to produce a trial create.
To produce a trial extend, either specify an extension length, or an end date that is later than the end of the current long-term plan but no start date.
Modify all
Do not specify a start date, end date, or extension length to produce a trial modify all.