SYSIN requirements

The SYSIN data is normally supplied from the select panel; it is the input parameter to the batch program. The layout of the SYSIN DD statement for the first step is:
COLUMNS  1         2         3
YYMMDDHHMMhhhmmW    abcdefgh          (format 1)
YYMMDDHHMMyymmddhhmmabcdefgh          (format 2)
YYMMDDHHMM      = Plan start date and time          (both formats)
hhhmm           = Hours and minutes to be extended  (format 1)
                  (for example, 02400 is 24 hours)
W               = Work day flag. Set to W or blank. (format 1)
                  (for example, 04800W means extend for 48 days,
                   excluding any free days)
yymmddhhmm      = Plan end date and time            (format 2)
abcdefgh        = Report flags. Set to 1 or 0.      (both formats)
                         a = WORKSTATION SUMMARY
                         b = DAILY OPERATING PLANS
                         c = WORK STATION PLANS
                         d = WORK STATION INPUT ARRIVAL LISTS
                         e = NONREPORTING WORK STATIONS
                         f = PREVIOUS PERIOD RESULTS
                         g = PLANNED RESOURCE UTILIZATION
                         h = ACTUAL RESOURCE UTILIZATION
          02400     11111111  To extend by 24 hours and have all reports.
          951201120010000000  To extend to 1 December 1995 at 12.00 and
                              have the workstation summary report only.