Creating your own ready list layout

About this task

Ready list layouts are kept in two ISPF tables: one for your own use, and one that contains your installation-defined layouts. Your own layout overrides the installation layout.

To change a ready list layout, select option 9, the DEFINE RL option on the COMMUNICATING WITH WORK STATION panel. The scheduler then displays a list of both your own and any installation-defined layouts (EQQRLYLL - Ready list layouts). From this list, you can create new layouts or select a layout to delete, copy, modify, or browse. Any modified installation-defined layout is stored as a private copy of the layout in your ISPF profile. You can delete your own layout, but you cannot delete an installation layout.

To make a set of private layouts available for your colleagues:
  1. Create a complete set of layouts. If you want to include a supplied (or old) layout, edit and save it so that it becomes part of your private library.
  2. Save (by renaming) the old EQQRLDEF member in the common table library.
  3. Copy the EQQRLOUT member from your ISPF profile library to the common table library, renaming it to EQQRLDEF.
Figure 1. EQQRLYLL - Ready list layouts
EQQRLYLL -------------------- READY LIST LAYOUTS ------------  ROW 1 TO 5 OF 5
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE

Enter the CREATE command above to create a new layout or
enter any of the row commands below:
B - Browse, C - Copy, D - Delete, M - Modify

Row Layout      Description                       Owner       Last update
cmd id                                                        date       time
'   C1          Layout 1 for CPU work station     LEIFTO2     96/09/15   08.21
'   C2          Layout 2 for CPU - times          LEIFTO2     96/09/13   13.12
'   C3          Layout 3 for CPU - options        LEIFTO2     96/09/13   13.19
'   WTO         Ready list layout for WTO         XRAYNER     97/02/03   12.28
'   LAYOUT1     My layout                         XRAYNER     97/04/20   13.18
******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA *******************************

When you modify or create a layout, HCL Workload Automation for Z presents a list of the available ready-list fields (see Fields displayed in ready and error lists for a complete list). From this list, shown in EQQRLYCL -Creating a ready list layout, you select the fields to be contained in the ready list layout, and the column order. You can also specify whether the field should be highlighted when HCL Workload Automation for Z displays it. All the items previously selected for display are placed at the top of the list in column order (1).

Note that all fields are not applicable for all kinds of workstations or operations. For example, the actual duration field, ACT DUR, will not be applicable for a general automatic workstation as its operations disappear from the Ready List when complete.

On the CREATING A READY LIST LAYOUT panel, you can also specify a text string used by the ISPF select service to invoke a user exit.

Figure 2. EQQRLYCL -Creating a ready list layout
EQQRLYCL --------------- CREATING A READY LIST LAYOUT ------  ROW 1 TO 7 OF 95
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE

 Enter/change data below:

 LAYOUT ID          ===> SAMPLE__    Identity of this layout
 DESCRIPTION        ===> JCL SETUP LAYOUT______________
 USER EXIT          ===> _______________________________________________________

 Current layout below:
     Application      Arrived  Ended    PR£    1

 Enter S in the S column to select an item as column title.
 Order selected items by numbering them 001-120 in the S column.
 Enter Y in the H column to highlight a column in the ready list.

 S  H Column title          Lgth Description of column content
 1    Application            16  Application ID
 2    Arrived                08  Operation arrival date actual if arrived
 3    Ended                  08  End date of the operation, or blank
 4    PR£                    04  Number of predecessor operations
      PS£                    03  No. of parallel servers req. by the op.
      UPR£                   04  Number of uncompleted predecessor op.
      R1£                    03  No. of 1st WS resources req. by the op.