Browsing the resolution interval of mandatory pending predecessors

For operations in waiting status for mandatory pending predecessors you can view the time interval within which the input arrival time of the predecessor must fall for the dependency to be resolved, as well as the resolution criterion specified for that dependency.

This information can be viewed in both ISPF and the Dynamic Workload Console.

In ISPF, starting from choice 5 (Modify the current plan) or 6 (Query the current plan), selecting 3 (Operations) to display the Selecting Operations (EQQSOPFP) panel, and entering the appropriate selection criteria, acquire a list of operations in waiting status for mandatory pending predecessors.
  • If you are viewing the basic style panels:
    1. Enter B in the Row cmd column next to the operation you want to view if you started with option 5.3, or enter S if you started with option 6.3. This action displays the Predecessors and successors to an operation (EQQSPP1L) panel.
    2. Press F11 twice to scroll to the extreme right of the panel (EQQSPP3L).
      Figure 1. EQQSPP3L - Displaying the Mandatory Pending Interval column (basic style panels).
      Command  ===>                                                      Scroll ===> PAGE
      Issue command COND to show list of defined Conditions.                     
      Scroll right or enter the row command S to select an operation for details.
      Application               : BPENDICONDMIX
      Operation                 : CPU1 2
      Jobname                   : JOBB
      Overall Conditions Status : Undefined
      Row Type   Operation                          Resl Mandatory Pending Interval
      cmd        ws   no.  text                     Crit From           to  
      ...   P         001  **MANDATORY PEND. PRED*  A    13/08/31 01.00 13/09/14 23.00 
      ...   P         001  **MANDATORY PEND. PRED*  C                   13/09/07 10.00 
      ...   P         001  **MANDATORY PEND. PRED*  R    13/09/06 23.30 13/09/07 20.30 
      ...   P         001  **MANDATORY PEND. PRED*  S    13/09/07 00.00 13/09/08 00.00 
      ...   P         001  **PENDING PREDECESSOR**  S                                 
      ...   P    CPU1 001  **PENDING PREDECESSOR**  A                  
      ...   PC        001  **PENDING COND PRED  **  A                                 
      ...   PC        001  **PENDING COND PRED  **  A                                 
      ...   PC        001  **PENDING COND PRED  **  C                                 
      ...   PC        001  **PENDING COND PRED  **  C                                 
      ...   PC        001  **PENDING COND PRED  **  R                                 
      ...   PC        001  **PENDING COND PRED  **  R                                 
      ...   PC        001  **PENDING COND PRED  **  S                                 
      ...   PC        001  **PENDING COND PRED  **  S                                 
      ********************************** Bottom of data ******************************
       F1=HELP      F2=SPLIT     F3=END       F4=RETURN   F5=RFIND     F6=RCHANGE
       F7=UP        F8=DOWN      F9=SWAP     F10=LEFT     F11=RIGHT    F12=RETRIEVE  
  • If you are viewing the advanced style panels:
    1. Enter B or S in the Row cmd column next to the operation you want to view. This action displays the Operation in the current plan (EQQSOPSD) panel.
    2. Press F8 to scroll the panel down to the Predecessors and successors section.
    3. Press F11 twice to scroll to the extreme right of the panel and display the Resolution Criteria and Mandatory Pending Interval columns.
      Figure 2. EQQSOPSD - Displaying the Mandatory Pending Interval column (advanced style panels).
        Action  Operation Occurrence View  Help
      EQQSOPSD -----------------OPERATION IN THE CURRENT PLAN ---------------------
      Command  ===> ______________________________________________Scroll ===> PAGE
      << View: Full (EQQSOPST)        Row 22 of 100
      Jobname . . . . . : JOBB
      Operation . . . . : CPU1 002
      Predecessors and successors
      Row  Type Cond Jobname  S Operation Resl Mandatory Pending Interval
      cmd       no.             ws   no.  Crit From           to  
      ____ P    0                    001  A    13/08/31 01.00 13/09/14 23.00 
      ____ P    0                    001  C                   13/09/07 10.00 
      ____ P    0                    001  R    13/09/06 23.30 13/09/07 20.30 
      ____ P    0                    001  S    13/09/07 00.00 13/09/08 00.00 
      ____ P    0                    001  S                                 
      ____ P    0    JOBB     A CPU1 001                                    
      ____ PC   400                  001  A                                 
      ____ PC   430                  001  A                                 
      ____ PC   400                  001  C                                 
      ____ PC   430                  001  C                                 
      ____ PC   400                  001  R                                 
      ____ PC   430                  001  R                                 
      ____ PC   400                  001  S                                 
      ____ PC   430                  001  S                                 
      ************************************ end of data ******************************
       F1=Help      F2=Split     F3=End       F4=Actions   F5=Rfind     F6=Retrieve
       F7=Up        F8=Down      F9=Swap     F10=Left     F11=Right    F12=Cancel  
Resl Crit
Displays the criterion specified for the resolution of the dependency in the dependency definition.
Mandatory Pending Interval
Shows the interval where the Input Arrival Time of the predecessor must be so that the dependency is solved. The interval boundaries are listed in terms of From and To dates. A blank From date signifies that the left side of the interval is open.