Active and inactive computer workstations

To run work, a computer workstation must be active and open. A workstation is active if the controller can communicate with it. An active computer workstation can be open or closed. A closed computer workstation is not eligible to have work scheduled on it even if the controller can communicate with the workstation. Workstation status can be changed dynamically (either manually, using HCL Workload Automation for Z panels, or automatically, in response to changes in your systems).

An inactive workstation can have one of the following statuses:
The operating system has detected a failure on the system that the workstation is defined on. The workstation status is automatically set to ACTIVE when the system is available again, provided that the controller and tracker stopped correctly and that the WSFAILURE and WSOFFLINE keywords were correctly defined in the JTOPTS initialization statement. You can manually set a computer workstation to status FAILED, using the panels. The WSSTAT command or the EQQUSIN subroutine can be used to report FAILED status for a workstation.
Communication is lost between the controller and tracker on the system that the workstation represents. This might be because the tracker is not yet started or because it ended abnormally. The scheduler does not take any reroute or restart actions until the time specified for the OFFDELAY initialization statement elapses. The status is automatically set to ACTIVE status when the tracker is started. The WSSTAT command or the EQQUSIN subroutine can be used to report OFFLINE status for a workstation.
The scheduler has detected that the workstation is inactive, but no other diagnostic information is available. You can manually reset the workstation to ACTIVE, using the panels, the WSSTAT command, or the EQQUSIN subroutine, or HCL Workload Automation for Z can do this automatically. A workstation normally connected via XCF, NCF, or TCP/IP will be reported in UNKNOWN status, if the XCF, NCF, or TCP/IP task is not started for the controller. Workstations that specify a user-defined destination ID are set to UNKNOWN status when they are first added to the current plan.
In addition to the workstation status, text that describes the status value can be displayed by HCL Workload Automation for Z in the current plan panel. The possible status descriptions are:
Waiting for manual intervention
The controller has received an automatic online notification for a workstation previously in offline or failed status.The AVAIL action parameter value specified by the WSFAILURE or WSOFFLINE initialization statement specifies manual activation. If the workstation should be receiving work from the controller, vary the workstation status to ACTIVE from the MODIFYING THE CURRENT PLAN panel.
Waiting for connection
The status of the workstation has been set to ACTIVE, and the controller is waiting for the corresponding tracker to communicate. No operations are started on the workstation until the tracker and the controller synchronize the correct submit position. This condition can identify an error in HCL Workload Automation for Z configuration. Perhaps the tracker events are not being communicated to the controller. Check that the tracker has either EWSEQNO(n) specified in the EWTROPTS or that an event reader has been started by specifying ERDRTASK(n) in the OPCOPTS for the tracker.
Offline actions pending
An offline notification has been received. The time HCL Workload Automation for Z has been instructed to wait before performing offline actions has not yet been reached.
Status was set manually
The status of the workstation has been set by a panel user.
Status set by WSSTAT
The workstation status was set as the result of a workstation availability event generated by the WSSTAT TSO command or by the EQQUSIN subroutine.
Status set by EQQUX009
The workstation status was set to the current value from the return code issued by the operation-initiation exit, EQQUX009.