Main server task - EQQPHTOP

This subtask is attached by EQQSERVR when initialization is complete. The major tasks performed by EQQPHTOP are:

  • Initialize to APPC as scheduler
  • Wait for one of the following events to occur:
    • An allocation request is received from APPC for a new connection. EQQPHTOP attaches an EQQPHAPP subtask to handle this connection.
    • The stop ECB is posted. In this case, EQQPHTOP will propagate the termination to all the subtasks by posting their stop ECB, will terminate itself as an APPC scheduler, and will return to the caller.
  • Initialize to TCP/IP as server
  • Respond when a request is received for a new TCP/IP connection (from ISPF, Dynamic Workload Console, or PIF). EQQPHTOP calls the EQQPTTOP subtask to handle this connection. EQQPTTOP is linked to the EQQZTSER process, which includes a main thread that listens for incoming requests and in response to every request for connection opens a new thread.

The EQQPHTOP task ends when all the subtasks ended.