The WebSphere® Application Server user identity

When the Z connector opens a connection with the HCL Workload Automation for Z server, the WebSphere® Application Server authenticates the communication by means of the WebSphere® Application Server user identity.

Depending on your configuration, the server user identity can be one of the following:
  • An automatically generated server identity that is not stored in a user repository (for example SERVER:TIPCELL_TIPNODE_SERVER1).
  • A server identity that is stored in the repository.
In either case you need to associate the server user identity to a RACF® ID. You can modify your configuration to use the administrator ID as the server user identity by editing the changeSecurityproperty WebSphere® Application Server tool (TWA_home/wastools or TWA_home\wastools) where you set UseRegistryServerId=true and you specify the administrator user ID and password in the ServerID and ServerPassword keys.