Updating a special resource (CP_SR_EVENT)

You can update these fields in a current plan special resource:

Table 1. Special resource fields that you can update through CP_SR_EVENT
FieldTypeSize Description
AVAILABLECHAR 1Availability (Y|N|K|R)
QUANTITYBIN31 Number available (1 to 999 999)
DEVIATIONBIN 31Number to deviate (-999 999 to 999 999)
CREATECHAR1 Create resource if undefined (Y|N)
Is the availability status of the special resource. Y indicates that the availability status of the resource should be set to YES; N indicates that the status should be NO. R (RESET) sets the status to the planned availability status in the current plan. K (KEEP), the default, does not change the status.
Is a numeric value (1–999 999) that updates the Quantity field in the special resource, which overrides interval and default values. QUANTITY and QUANTITY_OPTION fields are mutually exclusive. If you specify both fields, the event is ignored.
Is either KEEP or RESET. Specify RESET to set the amount to the scheduled value in the current plan or KEEP, the default, to leave the quantity unchanged. If you specify QUANTITY and QUANTITY_OPTION, the event is ignored.
Is a numeric value, -999 999 to 999 999, which lets you make a temporary change to the quantity. Deviation is an amount to be added to (positive number) or subtracted from (negative number) the current quantity. For example, if you specify -2 and the current quantity is 10, the total amount that operations can allocate reduces to 8. DEVIATION and DEVIATION_OPTION fields are mutually exclusive. If you specify both fields, the event is ignored.
Is either KEEP or RESET. Specify RESET to set the deviation to zero. KEEP, the default, does not alter the deviation. If you specify DEVIATION and DEVIATION_OPTION, the event is ignored.
Specifies if HCL Workload Automation for Z should create a resource in the current plan if the resource does not exist. NO indicates that the resource should not be added to the resource definitions of the receiving HCL Workload Automation for Z subsystem. If the resource is already defined in the receiving subsystem, NO has no effect. You can specify NO if the resource is being used only as a means to generate an event for ETT: the event is generated even if the resource does not exist.

If YES is specified and the DYNAMICADD keyword of the RESOPTS initialization statement is set to YES or EVENT, a resource definition is created in the receiving HCL Workload Automation for Z subsystem if the resource is not already defined.

Note: When you set the quantity or availability of a resource through EQQUSIN (or other interfaces such as the SRSTAT TSO command or the MCP dialog), the specified value lasts over interval boundaries, even though the next interval can specify a different value. Specify RESET to restore the planned value.