Restart and cleanup

Table 1. Restart and cleanup-related parameters
BATCHOPT RCLEANUPEnables maintenance cleanup of local data store
OPCOPTSRECOVERYNo automatic recovery action will be performed until cleanup actions are complete or discarded (when cleanup type is Immediate)
RCLEANUPStarts restart and cleanup tasks
FLOPTSSNADEST Specifies the table of tracker and data store destinations used to locate the data store used by the job log when an SNA connection is being used
XCFDEST Specifies the table of tracker and data store destinations used to locate the data store used by the job log when an XCF connection is being used
RCLOPTSCLNJOBPX Specifies the job name prefix to be used for stand-alone cleanup
CLNJOBCARD Specifies the job account information used while creating stand alone cleanup jobs.
DDALWAYSLists the DD names that make step always re-executable
DDNEVER Lists the DD names that make step never re-executable
DDNOREST Lists the DD names that make step not restartable
DDPRMEMContains the name of the PDS member of the parameter library containing the list of protected DD names
DDPROTLists the DD names that identify protected data sets
DSNPRMEMContains the name of the PDS member of the parameter library containing the list of protected data set names
DSNPROTLists the protected data set names
DSTCLASS Specifies a JES class when JCC is used
DSTDESTSpecifies the destination to be added in the JCL to create a sysout copy for the data store
DSTRMMRMM is active and cleanup will use the RMM API
STEPRESCHKSpecifies the possibility to select a step restart range overriding the product logic checks