Selecting an HCL Workload Automation for Z data set (BACKUP_EVENT)

You can specify these fields to identify an HCL Workload Automation for Z data set:

Table 1. BACKUP_EVENT selection fields
Field Type Size Description
SUBSYSTEM_NAME CHAR 4 Subsystem name
FILENAME CHAR 2 Name of data set (CP or JS)
Is the name of the tracker subsystem that the event should be reported to. If SUBSYSTEM_NAME is not specified or has the value MSTR, the event is broadcast using the subsystem interface (SSI) to all HCL Workload Automation for Z subsystems on the z/OS image where EQQUSIN is invoked.
Is either CP (current plan) or JS (JCL repository).
Note: The APPSEL values are sufficient to create a BACKUP event. The APPFLD and APPDAT sections are not used for this event type.