Recognizing the indicators

These indicators can highlight performance problems in the event manager subtask:
  • STATMSG(CPLOCK) identifies a long HOLD time for the EMGR.
  • STATMSG(CPLOCK) identifies a long WAIT time for the WSA, NMM, or GS when compared to EM.
  • Long delay from event creation to event processed. Compare the creation time in the event record with the job tracking log record time. Tivoli® Decision Support for z/OS and EPDM provide tables to report event delay; the HCL Workload Automation for Z audit program lists creation time and controller processing time for events.
  • The total events received by the event manager compared to those that are actually of interest to HCL Workload Automation for Z.
  • Unusually high number of suspended events, identified by 2 in column 53 of the job tracking record. You can also identify suspended events by locating SUSPENDED in the report produced by the HCL Workload Automation for Z audit package.
  • User exits involved in tracking, EQQUX007 and in the tracker EQQUX004, EQQUX005, and EQQUX006.

The connection method and the tracker's performance are also indicators.