
Consider these recommendations:
  • Use GSTASK(5), the maximum value to increase parallelism for dialog requests.
  • Use FASTPATH=Y for job name table searches on panels 6.3 and 5.3.
  • Choose to traverse the network for dependency loops only when the change is stored, rather than on the panel where you define the dependency and also when the change is stored, When external dependencies are modified in the current plan. Use DEP CHECK=N in the MCP dependency panels to remove the network scan on that panel.
  • Consider using LIBDEFs for the ISPF allocations if there are many libraries already concatenated on ISPxLIB.
  • Consider moving EQQMINO0, EQQXDSPX and EQQXTBLX into an LPA library. These modules are loaded by dialog users every time they enter an option from the HCL Workload Automation for Z main menu.
  • Determine when to use and when not to use generics, avoid using generic characters in the first position of a field. Study the key structure of the current plan records.
  • Eliminate much of the active monitoring of operations in the current plan by using the automatic alert functions provided by HCL Workload Automation for Z.