Automation in the secondary center

The extent of automation in the primary data center will, to some degree, determine the environment in the secondary data center. Consider these recommendations:
  • Automatic job recovery should not be used until the business systems have completed at least one full processing cycle.
  • Automatic workload restart and reroute should be switched to manual control.
  • The reporting attribute of WTO workstations should be set to manual start and complete if full NetView® services are not available.
  • Continue to use ETT if you normally do so, but if your current plan is not extended to the current time, application occurrences added by ETT to the CP fail. When this happens, a message is issued identifying the occurrence. You must then manually add the application to the plan.
  • Automation implemented using OPSTAT, EQQUSIN, or EQQUSINT can be handled manually if the automation partner is unavailable.
  • In DRP test exercises, the reporting attribute for remotely controlled workstations not involved in the test should be set to nonreporting.