Workload service assurance scenario

This scenario illustrates the use of workload service assurance in ensuring that important production deadlines can be met.

Fine Cola uses HCL Workload Automation to manage the timing and interdependencies of its production and supply process.

Fine Cola has service level agreements with many customers that support "just-in-time" restocking. This means that late starts on any of the delivery routes will almost certainly result in Fine Cola's products not being on the shelves.

The job that produces the loading orders for trucks must be completed at latest by 5.30 a.m. This job is dependent on the successful completion of other jobs. For example, although orders are processed ahead of time, last-minute changes often arrive when trucks return after completing a delivery route. Fine Cola also provides invoices with delivery notes, so changes to orders must also be reflected in the pricing and might trigger special-offer adjustments to prices.

Planning the critical job

Using the Workload Designer on the Dynamic Workload Console, the Fine Cola scheduler flags the loading order job as critical and sets the deadline for 5 a.m.

When JnextPlan is run, the critical start dates for this job and all the jobs that are identified as predecessors of the critical job are calculated.

Tracking the critical job

  1. The HCL Workload Automation operator checks the dashboards and sees that there are critical jobs scheduled on one of the engines.
  2. He sees that there is a critical job in potential risk. He clicks the potential risk link to get the list of critical jobs in this state.

    The loading orders job shows a status of "potential risk".

  3. He selects the job and clicks Hot List to see the job or jobs that are putting the critical job at risk.

    The orders adjustment job is listed as being in error.

  4. He selects the job and clicks Job log.

    The log shows that the job failed because of incorrect credentials for the orders database.

  5. After discovering that the database password was changed that day, he changes the job definition in the symphony file and reruns the job.
  6. When he returns to the dashboard, he sees that there are no longer any jobs in potential risk. Also, the critical jobs list that was opened when clicking on the potential risk link no longer shows the critical job after the job is rerun.
  7. The job is now running and has been automatically promoted to give it higher priority for submission and system resources.
  8. No further problems need fixing and the critical job finally completes at 4.45 a.m.