
Run the parms utility on a master domain manager or a fault-tolerant agent workstation (not supported on dynamic agents) to manage parameters defined locally on workstations. Parameters managed by parms can only be used in job or job stream definitions with the scriptname or opens keywords or in a job script file.

These parameters are resolved at submission time on the workstation where the job or job stream is submitted. If there is no match between the specified parametername and the name of the parameters defined in the local database on the workstation, then a null value is returned.


You must have display access to the locally defined parameters database. In addition you must be authorized with the following access:
build on object file
If you use the -b option to create or rebuild the local parameters database.
If you use the -d option to delete parameter definitions.
modify on object file
If you use the -replace option to add or modify parameter definitions.


parms {[-V | -u] | -build}

parms {-replace | -extract} filename

parms [-d][folder/]parametername

parms -c parametername value


Displays the command version and exits.
Displays command usage information and exits.
Creates the parameters database on the workstation if it does not exist. Rebuilds the parameters database, removing unused records and avoiding fragmentation from numerous additions and deletions, if it already exists.
Extracts all parameter definitions from the local database and stores them in the file with name filename.

Use this option if you want to export local parameter definitions to import them as global parameter definitions into the scheduling objects database using the add or the replace commands.

Add in the local database new parameter definitions stored in a file named filename or substitute the already existing ones.

Use this option if you want to import, as local parameter definitions, the global parameter definitions contained in the file named filename and extracted from the scheduling objects database using the extract command.

Deletes the parameters with name [folder/]parametername from the local database on the workstation.
Specifies the name of the parameter, optionally preceded by the folder within which it is defined, whose value is displayed. When used with the argument -d it represents the name of the parameter to be deleted.
-c name value
Specifies the name and the value of a parameter. The name can contain up to 16 alphanumeric characters, including dashes (-) and underscores (_), and must start with a letter. The value can contain up to 72 characters. Enclose the value in double quotation marks if it contains special characters. If the parameter does not exist, it is added to the database. If the parameter already exists, its value is changed.


When parms is run on the command line without arguments, it prompts for parameter names and values.

The use of parms in either job definitions and job script files requires that the parameter already exists locally in the parameters database on the workstation.

This is a sample usage of a local parameter, MYFILE, in a file dependency clause:
schedule test_js
on everyday
opens "/usr/home/tws_99/'/usr/home/tws_99/bin/parms MYFILE'"

The following example explains how the variable var enclosed by carets (^) is replaced while the job is in process. If the job is submitted as an ad hoc job, the parameter var is expanded, that means replaced by the value assigned to var in the local database, at submission time and not when the job launches.

UNIX® job definition example:
DESCRIPTION "Test parms in job definition on UNIX."
Windows® job definition example:
DESCRIPTION "Test parms in job definition on Windows."

When used in a job script file, the parameter is not expanded until the script launches. It is not expanded when the job stream containing the job is processed by JnextPlan. These are examples on how to use the var parameter in job script files.

UNIX® script example:
export TWS_HOME
MDIR='$TWS_HOME/bin/parms var'
export MDIR
ls -l $MDIR
Windows® script example:
set TWS_HOME=d:\win32app\TWS\mae82\maestro
echo %TWS_HOME%
FOR /F "Tokens=*" %%a in (%TWS_HOME%\bin\parms var) do set MDIR=%%a
echo %MDIR%
dir %MDIR%


To return the value of myparm, run the following command:
parms myparm
To change the value of myparm defined in the folder myfolder, run the following command:
parms -c myfolder/myparm "item 123"
To create a new parameter named hisparm, run the following command:
parms -c hisparm "item 789"
To change the value of myparm and add herparm, run the following command:
 Name of parameter ? myparm < Return>
 Value of parameter? "item 456" < Return>
 Name of parameter ? herparm < Return>
 Value of parameter? "item 123" < Return>
 Name of parameter ? < Return>

For more information, see Customizing your workload using variable tables.