Internetwork dependencies in a mixed environment

Internetwork dependencies in a mixed environment shows the supported configuration for internetwork dependencies defined in a mixed version 8.3 environment. The key to the table is as follows:
The network agent defined in the local network.
The workstation in the remote network that the network agent Net_A is connected to. Wks_B is the workstation that identifies and checks the state of the remote job or job stream specified in the internetwork dependency.
The Symphony file processed in the local network.
The Symphony file processed in the remote network.
Version 8.1, 8.2, or 8.2.1
Table 1. Internetwork dependencies in a mixed environment

Net_A back-level
Sym_A back-level

Net_A 8.3
Sym_A back-level

Net_A back-level
Sym_A 8.3

Net_A 8.3
Sym_A 8.3

Wks_B back-level
Sym_B back-level

This is not a mixed version 8.3 environment. Net_A sends the information to Wks_B as if it had the same version as Wks_B. Net_A sends the information to Wks_B in 8.1, 8.2, or 8.2.1 format. The use of the schedtime keyword in the job definition is not supported. Net_A sends the information to Wks_B as if it had the same version as Wks_B. If defined, the schedtime keyword in the job definition is automatically removed by Net_A.

Wks_B 8.3
Sym_B back-level

Wks_B works as if it had the same version as Net_A. Net_A sends the information to Wks_B. If defined, the schedtime keyword in the job definition is automatically removed by Wks_B. Net_A sends the information to Wks_B. If defined, the schedtime keyword in the job definition is automatically removed by Wks_B. Net_A sends the information to Wks_B. If defined, the schedtime keyword in the job definition is automatically removed by Wks_B.

Wks_B back-level
Sym_B 8.3

Not supported. Not supported. Not supported. Not supported.

Wks_B 8.3
Sym_B 8.3

Not supported. Not supported. Net_A sends the information to Wks_B. If defined, the schedtime keyword is parsed by Wks_B. This is a version 8.3 environment.