Upgrading cluster nodes manually

You can upgrade HCL Workload Automation agents in a cluster-aware configuration, from V9.1 or later, to the general availability (GA) version of the product, by running the following manual procedure.

About this task

  1. Ensure your environment meets the prerequisites listed in Prerequisites.
  2. Set all the nodes of the cluster to the Pause state. You must pause all the nodes in which you defined at least one cluster resource. In this way the HCL Workload Automation cluster resources cannot be moved from one node to another. With this operation you fix the resources on the node where they are running. Perform this action by running the following command against each node:
    cluster.exe node awsclupgrade.ditanode_name> /Pause
    Where awsclupgrade.ditanode_name> is the name of the node to pause.
  3. Set offline all the HCL Workload Automation resources belonging to the nodes of the cluster you paused to prevent HCL Workload Automation from upgrading the resources DLL with a cluster service that is still loading the DLL. Perform this action by running the following command against each resource:
    cluster.exe res awsclupgrade.ditares_name> /Offline 
    Where awsclupgrade.ditares_name> is the name of the resource to set offline.
  4. Move to the directory where you downloaded the images of the general availability (GA) version.
  5. For all the nodes in the cluster, upgrade all the resources running on the nodes, by performing the following steps:
    1. Generate the installation registries for one of the cluster groups belonging to the node on which you are upgrading the resources, and upgrade the instance you are working on, using one of the following script:
      cscript.exe twsinst.vbs -update -uname awsclupgrade.ditauser_name> 
       -password awsclupgrade.ditaTWS_user_password>
      -acceptlicense yes
      -inst_dir TWS_install_dir -recovInstReg true
    2. Move to the inst_dir directory where you upgraded the cluster node and update the remote Windows Services and the resource DLL, by running the following command:
      twsClusterAdm.exe -update resource=<res_name> ask=yes
       -twsupd pwd <TWS_user_password> 
      Where <res_name> is the name of the resource you are upgrading and <TWS_user_password> is the Windows password of the HCL Workload Automation user.
      Note: If you added a node to your HCL Workload Automation cluster after installing HCL Workload Automation, run the following command:
      twsClusterAdm.exe -update hosts=<hostname1>,<hostname2>,...
        resource=<res_name> ask=yes -twsupd pwd <TWS_user_password> 
      Where <hostname1>,<hostname2>,.., are the host names of the cluster nodes that you added after the installation and you want to upgrade.
    3. Repeat steps 5a and 5b for all the resources present on this node.
  6. Resume all the nodes of the cluster you paused in the Step 1 by running the following command against each node:
    cluster.exe node <node_name> /Resume 
    Where <node_name> is the name of the node you want to resume.
  7. Bring online the HCL Workload Automation resources on all the nodes, by running the following command against each resource:
    cluster.exe res <res_name> /Online 
    Where <res_name> is the name of the HCL Workload Automation resource.

See Example 10: Upgrading agents in a cluster-aware configuration for an upgrade example.