
Compiles security definitions and installs the security file. Changes to the security file are recognized as soon as makesec has completed, or, in the case of centralized security, after JnextPlan has distributed it.
Note: Before running the makesec command, stop conman, and, on systems running Windows® operating systems, any connectors.


You must have modify access to the security file and read permission in the TWA_home/TWS directory from where the command must be run.


makesec –v | –u

makesec [–verify] in_file


The makesec command compiles the specified file and installs it as the operational security file (../TWA_home/TWS/Security). If the –verify argument is specified, the file is checked for correct syntax, but it is not compiled and installed.


Displays command version information only.
Displays command usage information only.
Checks the syntax of the user definitions in in_file. The file is not compiled and installed as the security file.
Specifies the name of a file or set of files containing user definitions. Syntax checking is performed automatically when the security file is installed.


Example 1: Modifying the security file definitions - full scenario

The following example shows how to modify the security file definitions:
  1. An editable copy of the operational security file is created in a file named tempsec with the dumpsec command:
    dumpsec > tempsec
  2. The user definitions are modified with a text editor:
    edit tempsec
  3. The file is then compiled and installed with the makesec command:
    makesec tempsec

Example 2: Compiling user definitions from multiple files

The following command compiles user definitions from the fileset userdef* and replaces the operational security file:
makesec userdef*