Impact on JnextPlan

The main impact on performance caused by a large network of workstations running many jobs over a production period of many days, is on JnextPlan. The key factor is the number of job stream instances that JnextPlan needs to handle. JnextPlan has to process each of these instances, and the time it takes to do so is a factor that can only be reduced by ensuring that the master domain manager and the database are on the most powerful computers possible, and that the communication, whether in local or remote, between the master domain manager and the database is maximized.

However, there are some specific measures that need to be taken as the number of jobs or job stream instances increases:
Number of jobs in the plan exceeds 40 000
In this event you need to increase the Java heap size used by the application server. The default is 512 MB, and you should at least double the heap size when job numbers exceed this level. Follow the procedure in Increasing application server heap size.
You have a large number of job stream instances in the plan
The default DB2® transaction log files cannot handle more than the transactions generated by about 180 000 job stream instances. You need to change the parameters that control the log file sizes or the numbers of log files that can be created, or both. Follow the procedure in Increasing maximum DB2 log capacity.
The number of transactions that can be managed by the Oracle log files depends on the way the Oracle database is configured. See the Oracle documentation for more details.
Note: If circumstances change and the number of job stream instances handled by JnextPlan falls below about 180 000, consider resetting the log and application server heap size settings to their default values, to avoid performance problems.