Message format

HCL Workload Automation for Z messages have the following formats:

EQQFnnnC Text  or  EQQFFnnC Text  or  EQQnnnnC Text


The message was issued by HCL Workload Automation for Z. The EQQ prefix is used for all HCL Workload Automation for Z messages.
F or FF
The function that issued the message.
nn, nnn, or nnnn
The message number
The message severity code, with one of these values:
Information message. Processing continues and, in almost all cases, no action by the user is required.
Warning message. Processing continues and, in most cases, no action by the user is required.
Error message. Processing terminates, and action by the user is required.
The message text, which can vary in length. The text might contain message variables that are substituted at run time or when the message is issued. In this book, message variables are represented by asterisks (***) or italic text.

Some errors issued when you are running the HCL Workload Automation for Z dialogs can trigger the terminal alarm to sound and a short message to appear in the upper-right corner of your terminal screen. The message for errors that cause the terminal alarm to sound usually contains the ALARM=YES flag. Press the Help key (usually PF1) in ISPF and a more complete error message in the long message area on your terminal is displayed.