Monitoring the workload

While the operations analyst monitors the automated workload on a typical work day, he realizes that Job306, which is in the critical path of the schedule, is in the abend status. Because of this, Jobstream300 does not complete in the necessary time frame, causing a negative effect on the rest of the schedule. The consequent delay in running the plan might cause problems to Fine Cola's daily operations. With the help of the Dynamic Workload Console he then:
  1. Analyzes the job and error logs in the current plan and finds that the error occurred for an unmanaged exception. The error might occur again and he cannot simply restart Job306.
  2. Identifies the application specialist who is responsible for Job306 and opens a problem ticket containing all the information concerning the job.
  3. Queries the status of depending jobs, exports the list in Comma Separated Variables (CSV) format, and attaches it to the ticket so that it can be viewed with a spreadsheet. Requests that the ticket be answered with high priority.

After an internal analysis, the application specialist finds that there is a broken execution path that must be fixed. The expected time for resolution is three hours, including a hot fix and a regression test.

One hour later, however, the operations analyst realizes that even if the application support team works overtime, the fix will not be completed before the end of the day and it will be impossible to close the daily processing today. He checks the status of the depending jobs and sets a target time to have the hot fix loaded into production during the night.

Then, sometime during the night:
  1. The application team releases the hot fix and notifies the scheduling analyst who loads the new job into the production system, and notifies the operations analyst.
  2. The operations analyst connects to the scheduling system from home to restart the job stream.
  3. The operations analyst restarts Job306. The fix works and the job completes, as expected, one hour too late to complete the depending jobs before the next daily plan extension.
  4. Early next morning the plan for the day is created. Because of the functionality of the latest version of HCL Workload Automation, the jobs depending on Job306, that could not complete in time, are now simply moved to run today, keeping their name and all their active file dependencies.
  5. The operations analyst monitors the process remotely. When he arrives at work in the morning, he checks the actual completion of the daily workload. Everything completed successfully and he closes the ticket.