
The following enhancements are also included with HCL Workload Automation for Z V9.5.

  • A new sample JCL named EQQICVFY is generated by the EQQJOBS dialog. This sample job verifies that the CP records are not corrupted, and, if they are, repairs the FOPs and LOPs in the CP3C VSAM record.
  • If you are replacing an application and the duration parameter is not specified in the ADOP statement, the EQQYLTOP batch program does not override the original duration value.
  • When you modify the remote job information in the current plan, an automatic re-bind of the shadow job is performed.
  • The DB2 history function is no longer supported. Use the reporting feature to archive historical data. For more information, see Reporting with HCL Workload Automation for Z.
  • The Workload Automation Programming Language procedure EQQYXJCL is deprecated. To run EQQYXTOP, you are provided with the procedure EQQYXJPX. For more information, see Programming Language for z/OS: User's Guide and Reference.