Defining the configuration options

Every installed instance of the z/OS access method must have a matching options file. You can create it during or after the installation of the access method with either the Option Editor (see Setting options for the access methods) or any common text editor.

The options file must be located on the HCL Workload Automation hosting computer for the extended agent or dynamic agent in the following directory:
On UNIX operating systems
On Windows operating systems
If you do not create one, the agent uses by default one of the global options files (either mvsjes.opts or mvsopc.opts).
Access method for z/OS access method options describes the options that you can define for the z/OS access method.
Table 1. Access method for z/OS access method options
Options File Entries Description
BLOCKTIME=min (Optional) Defines the amount of time, in minutes, the method waits for a response to a status check before timing out. This value must be less than the value of CHECKINTERVAL (described below) and of HCL Workload Automationʼs local option bm check status. Fractional values are accepted; for example, .5 for 30 seconds, or 1.5 for one minute and 30 seconds. The default is 2.
Note: Only change this option from the default value if specific network problems cause delays in the transmission of data from the z/OS gateway.
CHECKINTERVAL=min (Optional) Defines the polling rate, in minutes, for checking the status of z/OS jobs that were launched by the method. Fractional values are accepted; for example, .5 for 30 seconds, or 1.5 for one minute and 30 seconds. The default is 2.

When checking non-HCL Workload Automation-launched jobs on z/OS that are used as dependencies, the method uses the HCL Workload Automation local option bm check status instead of CHECKINTERVAL to determine its polling rate.

CFUSER=name (Optional 1) Assigns the user name used by the access method to check file dependencies (CF tasks). It can be the same as LJUSER.
GSUSER=name (Optional 1) Assigns the user name used by the access method to check non-HCL Workload Automation-launched jobs on z/OS that are used as dependencies (GS tasks). The default is root.
LJUSER=name (Optional 1) Assigns the user name used by the access method to launch jobs (LJ tasks). This must be a valid UNIX or Windows user who submits local jobs and can connect to the HCL Workload Automation z/OS gateway on the z/OS system. The default is the login parameter in the job definition.
RETRYCOUNT=count (Optional) Defines the number of times a status check is attempted before HCL Workload Automation writes a timeout message to a jobʼs stdlist file, and marks it in the abend state. For details, see options CHECKINTERVAL and BLOCKTIME. The default is 10.
  1. For best results, allow LJUSER, CFUSER, and GSUSER to take the default values.