Customizing the .properties file

About this task

Depending on the access method you are working with, customize the trace parameters in the following properties files:
For the PeopleSoft access method.,
For the SAP R/3 access method.

With this access method, you can also specify debug and trace parameters in the single job definitions. See Creating SAP Standard R/3 jobs from the Dynamic Workload Console and Task string to define SAP jobs.,
For the z/OS access method, depending on the scheduler with which you are working.
For each .properties file you can customize the following parameters:
Specify the level of tracing you want to set. Possible values are:
Only error messages are written in the trace file. This is the default.
Informational messages and warnings are also written in the trace file.
A most verbose debug output is written in the trace file.
The value you set in the .properties file applies to all the jobs of the corresponding access method. To specify a different trace setting for a particular job, specify the following option in the job definition:
  • 1 = DEBUG_MIN
  • 2 = DEBUG_MID
  • 3 = DEBUG_MAX
Note: When making changes to the trace level setting, the changes are effective immediately after saving the .properties file. No restart is required.
Specifies the path where the trace file is created. Depending on the access method, the default is:
On UNIX® operating systems
On Windows operating systems
All other access methods
On UNIX operating systems
On Windows operating systems
Ensure that the new path you specify has already been created as a fully qualified path with write permissions.

Traces are written in XML format. Always use slashes (or backslashes) when you specify a new path, even if you are working on Windows operating systems.

The trace files give information about the method execution to the desired level of detail. The minimum trace level is always on, to guarantee a First-Failure Data Capture (FFDC) ability. The trace file name is:
For the PeopleSoft access method.
trace-r3batch.log, trace-XAname-r3evmon.log
For the SAP R/3 access method.
trace-mvsjes.log, trace-mvsopc.log
For the z/OS access method. Depending on the scheduler with which you are working.
Specifies to enable or disable the trace utility. Possible values are:
To enable the trace utility. This is the default value.
To disable the trace utility. If you set this parameter to false, no traces are written in the trace-accessmethod.log file even if there are problems.
The maximum number of trace files that are created before the oldest one is deleted. If this parameter is set to 1, the current trace file is never replaced and can grow without limit.
The maximum size (in bytes) that the trace file can reach before it is renamed and a new trace file is created. This parameter is valid only if the r3batch.trace.handlers.traceFile.maxFiles is set to a value greater than 1.