Defining the configuration options

The HCL Workload Automation installation process creates a default global options file for the psagent access method, named psagent.opts. You can also create the following local files in the path:
On UNIX operating systems
On Windows operating systems
Extended agent
XA_Unique_ID_psagent.opts where XA_Unique_ID is the unique identifier for the extended agent workstation. For more details about how to identify the unique ID, see UNIQUE_ID.
Dynamic agent
DYNAMIC_AGENT_FILE_psagent.opts where DYNAMIC_AGENT_FILE is any text string. This string does not necessarily correspond to the name of the dynamic agent workstation since the dynamic agent can have more than one .opts file associated. For more information, see Setting options for the access methods.

To edit both options file, you can use either the Option Editor available with this product, or any other text editor. On dynamic workstations, you can edit the options files from the job definition panels in the Dynamic Workload Console. For details about how to create and edit the options files with the Option Editor, see Setting options for the access methods. For examples of options files for this access method, see PeopleSoft options file example.

Psagent access method options describes the options for the psagent access method. Option names are case insensitive. Before you use a manually-created options file, check that all the option names are written correctly, otherwise they will be ignored.
Table 1. Psagent access method options
Option Description
CHECKINTERVAL (Optional) Specifies the frequency (in seconds) with which the psagent monitors a submitted process up to completion. The default is 120.
LJUSER (Optional) Specifies the ID of the HCL Workload Automation user that runs the psagent to launch jobs (LJ tasks). This user must be a valid HCL Workload Automation user on the HCL Workload Automation hosting workstation.
PS_DISTSTATUS (Optional) Determines whether the distribution status of the PeopleSoft request is taken into account when determining the status of the HCL Workload Automation job. Values are 0 (not taken into account) or 1 (taken into account - the default value).
PSFT_DOMAIN_PWD (Optional) Specifies the encrypted password (case-sensitive) of the PeopleSoft domain used for the connection to the PeopleSoft application server.

For details about how to encrypt the password, see Encrypting PeopleSoft operator passwords.

PSFT_OPERATOR_ID (Mandatory) Specifies the PeopleSoft operator ID used for the connection to the PeopleSoft application server.
PSFT_OPERATOR_PWD (Mandatory) Specifies the encrypted password (case-sensitive) of the PeopleSoft operator ID used for the connection to the PeopleSoft application server.

For details about how to encrypt the password, see Encrypting PeopleSoft operator passwords.

PSJOAPATH (Optional) Specifies the full path name of the psjoa.jar file, containing both the path and the psjoa.jar filename.
If this option is not set, the following default path name is used:

Ensure that you identify the version of the psjoa.jar file that corresponds to the version of PeopleSoft that you are using.

RUNLOCATION (Optional) Specifies the default PeopleTools process server that processes the requests.
SERVER_NAME_LIST (Mandatory) Specifies the list of application servers that the psagent tries to connect to. It is a comma-separated list of addresses in the format:
server:port [,server:port] ...
Specifies the host name or TCP/IP address of the server
Specifies the port number the server is listening on.
TWS_MAX_WAIT_TIME (Optional) Specifies the maximum time that the supported agent waits (timeout) after a failed operation on the PeopleSoft application server before retrying the operation. The default is 10 seconds.
TWS_MIN_WAIT_TIME (Optional) Specifies the minimum time that the supported agent waits (timeout) after a failed operation on the PeopleSoft application server before retrying the operation. The default is 5 seconds.
TWS_RETRY (Optional) The maximum number of times that the supported agent attempts to re-run a failed operation on the PeopleSoft application server. The default is 5.
TWSXA_INLINE_CI (Optional) Specifies the name of the component interface that the psagent invokes to submit jobs to PeopleSoft.

The default is ITWS_PROCESSREQUEST. If you use this default, you must perform the customization steps described in Configuring the ITWS_PSXA PeopleSoft project.

If you do not plan to schedule jobs containing in-line variables, and you do not want to perform the additional customization steps, you must replace the default value with PROCESSREQUEST. This is the component interface invoked by previous versions of the access method; it does not allow the use of in-line variables.

TWSA_SCHED_METH (Optional) Specifies the name of the PeopleSoft method invoked by the component interface specified in TWSXA_INLINE_CI. Both ITWS_PROCESSREQUEST and PROCESSREQUEST use the default method Schedule.

If you are using either of these component interfaces, leave the default. If you are using a different component interface, specify the name of the method called by your component interface, respecting the case of the PeopleSoft object name.