Windows services

When installing on the Windows operating system the Windows Service Control Manager registers services.

About this task

An installation on Windows operating systems registers the following services on the Windows Service Control Manager:
  • HCL Workload Automation (for TWS_user)
  • Netman (for TWS_user)
  • Token Service (for TWS_user)
  • HCL Workload Automation SSM Agent (for TWS_user)
  • HCL Common Platform Agent: tws_cpa_agent_ (for TWS_user)
Note: An existing service that has the same name as the new service will be overwritten during installation.

The Service Control Manager maintains its own user password database. If the TWS_user password is changed after installation, you must use the Services applet in the Control Panel to assign the new password for the Token Service and HCL Workload Automation (for TWS_user). For more information, see Changing key HCL Workload Automation passwords.